Who has seen the Wind? | Class 4, English

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Who has seen the Wind? थाखो 4 फरा 3  इंराजी सोंनाय फिननाय | Who has seen the Wind? Class 4 Lesson 3 English Question and Answer.

Who has seen the Wind?

बे Who has seen the Wind? आयदाया आसाम हादोरसानि सिंआव सोलिगासिनो थानाय थाखो 4 नि इंराजी आयदानि 3 थि फरा एबा आयदानिफ्राय लानाय जादों। बे आयदानि हारोंथाइ (Learning Outcomes) फोरा जाबाय –

✪  Describes briefly, orally/in writing about events, places and/or personal experiences in English

✪  Shares riddles and tongue twisters in English

✪  Solves simple crossword puzzles, builds word chains, etc.

✪  Infers the meaning of unfamiliar words by reading them in context

✪  Speaks briefly on a familiar issue like conservation of water; and experiences of day to day life like visit to a zoo; going to a mela

✪  Uses punctuation marks appropriately in writing such as question mark, comma, capital letters full stop and capital letters

✪  Uses linkers to indicate connections between words and sentences such as ‘First’, ‘Next’, ‘But’, etc.

✪  Writes/types dictation of short paragraphs (7-8 sentences)


Who has seen the Wind?

Who has seen the wind?

Neither I nor you:

But when the leaves hang trembling,

The wind is passing through.

Who has seen the wind?

Neither you nor I:

But when the trees bow down their heads,

The wind is passing by.

– Christina Rossetti


Who has seen the Wind? थाखो 4 फरा 3  इंराजी सोंनाय फिननाय | Who has seen the Wind? Class 4 Lesson 3 English Question and Answer.

Question and Answer

Listen and say these words after your teacher:

(a) cow – how (काव – हाव)

now – bow (न’ – ब’)

(b) show – grow (स’  –  ग्र)

row – blow (र’  –  ब्ल’)

know – bow (न’  –  ब’)

Now, complete the following words web by writing the names of the insects you see in the pictures. One is done for you:


Who has seen the Wind

Read the sentences in box A. We can join each of them with a matching part in box B by using the word ‘but’. One is done for you:

The grasshopper has wings. the ant does not
We cannot see the wind. but we can feel it
The ant is tiny. the grasshopper is small
It was a sunny day. the wind was cold


The grasshopper has wings but the ant does not.

We cannot see the wind but we can feel it.

The ant is tiny but the Grasshopper is small.

It was a sunny day but the wind was cold.

Read these words. They describe the wind and the storm.

Now write two sentences to describe the pictures given above. You can begin like this.


A cold wind is blowing. A heavy storm broke out.
The gentle wind is passing through. A sudden and strong storm caused heavy damage.
The soft wind is blowing. The storm is very heavy and violent.

5. Read the poem “Who has seen the wind?” And underline the following:

Who has seen the wind?
Neither I nor you:
But when the leaves hang trembling,
The wind is passing through.

Who has seen the wind?
Neither you nor I :
But when the trees bow down their heads,
The wind is passing by.

full stop    .

question mark      ?

comma        ,

colon      :

Match the following:

Neither you nor I played in winter.
Neither Hop nor Annie knew how to read.
Neither he nor his mother have seen the wind.


(a) Neither you nor I – have seen the wind.

(b) Neither Hop nor Annie – played in winter.

(c) Neither he nor his mother – knew how to read.

Spring Season in Assam

(a) Name the festival that you celebrate during this season.

Ans. Bwisagu.

(b) Name the flowers that bloom during this season.

Ans. Kopou Flowers.

(c) Name the bird/birds that visit us during this season.

Ans. Cuckoo bird

(d) What do you like to do during this season?

Ans. During this season I like to dance with my friends.


I am in the pistol, not in the gun
Double in the moon, but not in the sun.
What am I?

Ans.: The letter ‘O’

Puzzle: Rearrange the letters in the convey. Find out what they are saying:

woh era uou?

Ans: How are you?

i ma enif, knaht uoy!

Ans: I am fine, thank you!

Write questions to complete the conversation. Practice the conversation with your partner:


Anil: I fell down yesterday and broke my leg.

Amol: What were you doing?

Anil: I was climbing a tree.

Amol: Why you were climbing?

Anil: I was trying to bring down my kite.

Amol: What your friends were doing?

Anil: My friends were flying kites.

Amol: Where you were flying kite?

Anil: I was flying kite in the football field.

Write three things you should do to keep the environment clean:


a) Don’t litter the wast things.

b) Swept and clean the surroundings.

c) Use degradable products.

✪  Who has seen the Wind? आयदानि बिजाबनि PDF नांगौब्ला बेयाव थु

✪  नसिम थांनोब्ला   बेयाव थु

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