Social Science and Pedagogy | MCQ

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सोंलोंसाफोरखौ नोजोर बोनानै गिबि खेबनि थाखाय Social Science and Pedagogy नि सायाव MCQ आनजाद online हगारनाय जाबाय।

Social Science and Pedagogy | MCQ

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आनजादखौ जागायदो


Social Science & Pedagogy

Social Science & Pedagogy

All question here are usefull for TET Examination

Social Science and Pedagogy | MCQ

1 / 15

Which of the following rivers form the 'Sunderban Delta'?

2 / 15

Consider the following statements and select the option that indicates the correct role of media in a  democracy:

A. It should provide information to citizens through news.

B. It should provide the point of view of the advertiser, through its news programmes.

C. It must discuss the views of all sections.

3 / 15

As we move away from the Sun in the solar system.

4 / 15

Answer the following questions by selecting the correct / most appropriate options.

Statement (A) Under the Delhi Sultans and the Mughals, the hierarchy between social classes decreased.

Statement (B) The tribal societies were not divided into numerous unequal classes.

5 / 15

Consider the statements A, B, C about Autumn season in India and choose the correct answer:

A. This season is also known as the South-West monsoon season.

B. Winds blow from the Bay of Bengal and Arabian sea towards the land in this season.

C. This season is marked by the onset and advance of monsoon.

6 / 15

Imagine if the Earth is not inclined towards the plane of its orbit, then

A. the circle of illumination will match with longitudinal lines.

B. the circle of illumination will match with latitudinal lines.

C. there will be no seasonal variation in a particular region.

D. there will be more seasonal variation in a particular region.


Choose the correct option.

7 / 15

Statement (A) Around 12,000 years ago, a shift to relatively warmer conditions led to development of grasslands in many areas in India.

Statement (B) There was an increase in the number of deer; antelopes, goat, sheep and cattle.

8 / 15

The Harappans made

A. Seals out of stone

B. Pots with yellow designs

C. Spindle whorls made of iron

D. Gold vessels


Choose the correct answer using the codes given below.

9 / 15

Identify the atmospheric layer from the given features A and B:

A. Meteorites burn up in this layer on entering from the space.

B. Temperature declines with increasing height in this layer.

10 / 15

Answer the following questions by selecting the correct / most appropriate options.

Statement (A) Bahadur Shah Zafar wrote letters to all the chiefs and rulers to organise a confederacy of Indian states to In fight the British.

Statement (B) Bahadur Shah Zafar's decision to bless the rebellion of 1857 changed the entire situation dramatically.

11 / 15

Biogas is essentially a mixture of

12 / 15

The state of Telangana was earlier part of which state of India?

13 / 15

Which of the following is FALSE in the context of women, caste and reform during the colonial period?

14 / 15

Choose the correct group of conventional sources of energy from the following.

15 / 15

Identify the continent from the given features A and B:

A. It is the smallest continent that lies entirely in the Southern Hemisphere.

B. It is also called an 'Island continent'.

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✪  नसिम थांनोब्ला    बेयाव थु

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