Oh Look at the Moon Class 4, English

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Oh, Look at the Moon थाखो 4 फरा 1  इंराजी सोंनाय फिननाय | Oh Look at the Moon Class 4 Lesson 1 English Question and Answer.

Oh Look at the Moon

बे Oh, Look at the Moon आयदाया आसाम हादोरसानि सिंआव सोलिगासिनो थानाय थाखो 4 नि इंराजी आयदानि 1 थि फरा एबा आयदानिफ्राय लानाय जादों। बे आयदानि हारोंथाइ (Learning Outcomes) फोरा जाबाय –

✪  Recites poems with appropriate expressions and intonation

✪  Describes briefly, orally/in writing about events, places and/or personal experiences in English

✪  Infers the meaning of unfamiliar words by reading them in context

✪  Uses dictionary to find out spelling and meaning

✪  Uses nouns, verbs, adjectives and prepositions in speech and writing

‘Oh, Look at the Moon’:

Oh, look at the moon

She is shining up there

Oh, Mother, she looks

Like a lamp in the air.

Last week she was smaller

And shaped like a bow

But now she’s grown bigger

And shaped like an ‘O’.


Oh Look at the Moon थाखो 4 फरा 1  इंराजी सोंनाय फिननाय | Oh Look at the Moon Class 4 Lesson 1 English Question and Answer.

Question and Answer

1. Let’s find how much we have understood:

a) What is the name of the poem?

Ans: The name of the poem is Oh, Look at the Moon.

b) What looks like a lamp in the air?

Ans: Moon looks like a lamp in the air.

c) What does the moon look like when she is smaller?

Ans: The moon look like a bow in smaller.

d) What does the moon look like when she grows bigger?

Ans: The moon look like an ‘O’ when grows bigger.

2. Let’s play with rhyming words:

Read the poem and say one rhyming word for each one.

took,   noon,   hair,   father,   books,   ramp,   taller

Ans: took  –  look,  noon  –  soon,   hair  –  air,  father  –  lather,   books  –  looks,   ramp  –  camp,   taller  –  caller.

3. Write the opposites of the underlined words:

Oh, look at the moon

She is shining up there

Ans: She  –  He,   up  –  down.

4. Read aloud the following pairs of words:

before – after,     day – night,     beautiful – ugly,     outside – inside,     far – near,     pick – throw

5. Think and say who I am:

a) I live in the sky.

Sometimes I’m small and

Sometimes I’m big.

I glow at night

Who am I?

I am the …………….

Ans: Moon.

b) I live in the sky.

I twinkle at night.

I’m not the moon.

Who am I?

I am a ……………..

Ans:  Star.

c) I’m hot

I’m bright

I’m big

I give light

Who am I?

I am the …………….

Ans:  Sun.

7. Read this story:

The Wolf and the Lamb

Once upon a time, there lived a wolf in a thick forest near a stream. Sheep, goats and cows from a village nearby came to the stream to drink water.

The wolf was a lazy and cunning animal. One hot day he was thirsty and so he came to the stream to drink water. He looked down and saw a lamb drinking water from the stream. He was happy and wanted to eat the lamb.

A wicked idea came to his mind. He tried to make the lamb frightened. He shouted at the lamb, “You foolish lamb, why are you making the water dirty? Can’t you drink without your legs in the water?” The lamb looked up and saw the wolf. But he was not frightened. He was a brave lamb. He replied politely, “But Sir, you are wrong. The water is flowing from where you are standing to where I am standing. How can I make your water dirty?” The wolf did not find an answer. But he did not give up. He said, “Six months ago you called me stupid, now you have to say sorry.”

The lamb replied politely again, “But Sir, I’m only three months old.” The wolf had no answer and went away sadly. Now, read the story again. There are some describing words in the story. Work in pairs. Underline the words and write them on the board. Here are two describing words:

(thick,   lazy, cunning, happy, wicked, foolish, brave, stupid)

8. Fill in the blanks with the words in the box:

at,   in,   to,   up

a) The wolf lived ………. a thick forest.

Ans: The wolf lived in a thick forest.

b) The wolf came ………. the stream to drink water.

Ans: The wolf came to the stream to drink water.

c) The wolf shouted ……….  the lamb.

Ans: The wolf shouted at  the lamb.

d) The lamb looked ……….  and saw the wolf.

Ans: The lamb looked up  and saw the wolf.

12. Fill in the boxes with appropriate words:

long longer longest
hot hotter hottest
happy happier happiest
big bigger biggest
short shorter shortest
brave braver bravest
wise wiser wisest

14. Read the words on the whiteboard:

moon,  bone,   lamb,   wolf,   forest,   night,   sheep,   village,   polite,   smaller

Now, write them down in alphabetical order.

bone,   forest,  lamb,  moon,  night,  polite,  sheep,  smaller,   village,   wolf.

15. Look at the pictures and read the sentences:

Oh Look at the Moon

Now, fill in the blanks choosing the correct word from the help box:

taller,    tall,    tallest

Juri is a …………… girl.

Ans: Juri is a tall girl.

Mili is …………… than Juri.

Ans: Mili is taller than Juri.

Rini is the …………… of the three.

Ans: Rini is the tallest of the three.

✪  Oh, Look at the Moon आयदानि बिजाबनि PDF नांगौब्ला बेयाव थु

✪  नसिम थांनोब्ला    बेयाव थु

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