Let’s write a story | Class 5, English

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Let’s write a story थाखो 5 फरा 5  इंराजी सोंनाय फिननाय | Let’s write a story Class 5 Lesson 5 English Question and Answer.

Let’s write a story

बे Let’s write a story आयदाया आसाम हादोरसानि सिंआव सोलिगासिनो थानाय थाखो 5 नि इंराजी आयदानि 5 थि फरा एबा आयदानिफ्राय लानाय जादों। बे आयदानि हारोंथाइ (Learning Outcomes) फोरा जाबाय –

✪  Attempts to write creatively (stories, poems, posters, etc.).

✪  Connects ideas that he/she has inferred, through reading and interaction, with his/her personal experiences.

Question and Answer

Answer the following questions. Pick words from the box below to complete the answers. You may choose a word more than once:

grazing,   roaming,  presence,  runs,  away,   save,  bush,  sadly,  tiger,  alert,  deer

a) What is there in the first picture?

There is a ……………. in the forest.

Ans: There is a tiger in the forest.

b) What do you see in the second picture?

There is a deer …………….. in the forest.

Ans: There is a deer grazing in the forest.

c) What happens in the third picture?

The tiger sees a deer ………………

Ans: The tiger sees a deer roaming.

d) What does the tiger do in the fourth picture?

The ………………. crawls quietly towards the …………………..

Ans: The tiger crawls quietly towards the deer.

e) What does the deer do in the fifth picture?

The deer becomes ……………… He looks here and there and feels the …………………. the tiger.

Ans: The deer becomes alert He looks here and there and feels the presence the tiger.

f) What does the deer do after that?

The deer ……………………. very fast, to ………………  his life.

Ans: The deer runs very fast, to save  his life.

g) Where does the deer hide?

The ……………… hides himself in a ………………..

Ans: The deer hides himself in a bush.

h) What happens in the end?

The ……………….. goes away.

Ans: The tiger goes away.

Let’s recite the poem:


Someone came knocking

At my wee, small door;

Someone came knocking,

I’m sure sure – sure;

I listened, I opened,

I looked to left and right,

But nought there was a -stirring

In the still, dark night;

Only the busy beetle

Tap-tapping in the wall,

Only from the forest

The screech-owl’s call,

Only the cricket whistling

While the dewdrops fall,

So I know not who can be knocking,

At all, at all, at all.

– Walter de la Mare

Let’s see what the words below mean:

wee  : very small in size

nought   : nothing

stirring : moving

beetle   : an insect

screech  : a loud unpleasant sound

cricket   : a small jumping insect that makes a loud sound

whistling   :making a musical tune with lips

dew   : a very small drop of water that falls on the ground.



Let’s write a story थाखो 5 फरा 5  इंराजी सोंनाय फिननाय | Let’s write a story Class 5 Lesson 5 English Question and Answer.

Choose the correct answer and complete the sentences:

a) Someone came knocking at a ……………….(small/big) door.

Ans: Someone came knocking at a  small  door.

b) The poet looked out in the still ……………. (dark/bright) night.

Ans: The poet looked out in the still  dark  night.

c) Only the ……………… (lazy/busy) beetle was tap-tapping in the wall.

Ans: Only the  busy  beetle was tap-tapping in the wall.

d) The poet listened and ………… (opened/closed) the door.

Ans: The poet listened and   opened   the door.

Match the words which are similar in meaning:












wee    –    tiny

listen   –    hear

look   –    watch

forest   –    jungle

call   –    cry

Fill in the gaps and complete the poem. Some words are given below:

Two,   little,   eyes,   Ten,   one,   mouth,   night,   bright

……………. little fingers, ten ………… toes,

…………. little ears and …………. little nose,

Two little ……………… that shine so ………………

And one little …………….

To kiss mother good …………………..


Ten   little fingers, ten   little   toes,

Two   little ears and   one   little nose,

Two little  eyes  that shine so bright

And one little  mouth

To kiss mother good  night.

Read the following statements and ask questions to get these as answers. One is done for you:

a) My name is Nitin.

What is your name?

b) I am ten years old.

How ………………….

Ans: How old are you?

c) One night someone knocked at the door.

Who ………………….

Ans: Who knocked at the door one night.

d) I opened the door.

Who ………………….

Ans: Who opened the door?

e) I felt very happy to see the dog.

How ………………….

Ans: How did you feel to see the dog.

Make the following sentences into questions to get yes/no as an answer. One is done for you:

a) Yes, Nitin is opening the door.

Is Nitin opening the door?

b) No, a dog can’t knock at adoor.

Can …………………

Ans: Can a dog knock at door?

c) Yes, a little dog was scratching the door with its paws.

Was ………………………

Ans: Was a little dog scratching the door with its paws.

d) Yes, I brought it inside.

Did ………………………….

Ans: Did you bring it inside.

Put the words below in the correct order to make questions. Begin each sentence with a capital letter:

a) he/happy/was?

Ans: Was he happy?

b) your book/where/is?

Ans: Where is your book?

c) going/you/are/when?

Ans: When are you going?

d) are/old/you/how?

Ans: How old are you?

e) school/which/you/go/to/do?

Ans: Which school do you go to?

f) why/you/crying/are?

Ans: Why are you crying?

Let’s complete the poem with rhyming words. Choose from the options:

Eight little fingers standing up tall,

Two little ears to hear mummy …………… (roll/call)

One little nose that I can blow,

Ten little toes, all in a ………….. (raw/row)


Eight little fingers standing up tall,

Two little ears to hear mummy call

One little nose that I can blow,

Ten little toes, all in a row

You may have heard the story “The Cap Seller and the Monkeys”. Sit in groups and write the story. Some clues are given below. Use them and complete the story:

place,   he,   there was a,   took,  monkeys,   to,   caps,   off,   came,   went away,   threw,   person,   saw

Once upon a time ……….. cap seller. He moved from ………….. to place. One day, ………… went………. the market to sell his caps. After some time he was tired. So he sat under a tree and fell asleep.

A troop of monkeys ………….. to the place. They………….. away the caps. When the cap seller woke up, he ……….. that his caps were gone. He looked here and there and saw a few ……………… with the caps on the tree. The cap seller was a clever ………….. An idea came to his mind as quick as lightning. The cap seller took ……….. his cap and threw it on the ground. At once, the monkeys also took their ……………. and ………….. them on the ground. The cap seller collected his caps and ……………..


Once upon a time  there was a cap seller. He moved from place to place. One day, he went to the market to sell his caps. After some time he was tired. So he sat under a tree and fell asleep.

A troop of monkeys came to the place. They took away the caps. When the cap seller woke up, he saw that his caps were gone. He looked here and there and saw a few monkeys with the caps on the tree. The cap seller was a clever person. An idea came to his mind as quick as lightning. The cap seller took off his cap and threw it on the ground. At once, the monkeys also took their caps and threw them on the ground. The cap seller collected his caps and went away.

Look at this sentence.

The cap seller was as clever as the monkeys.

It compares the cap seller and the monkeys. Now, read and practise the following comparisons. They are called similes:

Let's write a story

Choose the suitable similes and complete the sentences. The first one is done for you.

as proud as,  as brave as,  as sweet as,  as white as

a) The mango was as sweet as honey.

b) Rita wore a new frock which was ……………… snow.

Ans: Rita wore a new frock which was as white as snow.

c) Ami is a beautiful girl but she is …………. a peacock.

Ans: Ami is a beautiful girl but she is as proud as a peacock.

d) Deepak has many friends because he is …………… a tiger.

Ans: Deepak has many friends because he is as brave as a tiger.

In the grid below there are at least fifteen describing words. Find and circle them. Then make sentences with any five of them:

Let's write a story


Let's write a story

✪  Let’s write a story आयदानि बिजाबनि PDF नांगौब्ला बेयाव थु

✪  नसिम थांनोब्ला    बेयाव थु

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